107: Wednesday

A.BTN Snatch Grip Push Press – 6×2 Rest 2 mins = 105/110/110/115/115 PB
B1. Strict Deficit HSPU – 5×2-4 Rest 2 mins (Add your own deficit) = 7 inches x3 all sets
B2. Strict Wtd C2B Pullups – 5×3 Rest 2 mins = 4kg all sets (felt weak on these today, just no pulling power, especially in that end range)

5 sets:
Every 90s
12 C2B Pullups
10m HS Walk
All sets UB.


Row 500m Max Effort = 1.22.6 PB

Rest 10-15 mins

Power Clean @ 50kg
Box Jumps
= 3.28 UB

Rest 10-15 Mins

AMRAP 3′ (You said off the top of your head you thought it was 3′ so went for 3′)
5 Muscle Ups
20 Wallballs
= 2rds + 16
All UB.

Videos of last two pieces to be uploaded tonight. Didn’t get the row unfortunately, forgot to set camera up.

107: Wednesday

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